HPI Psychics Seek to Solve Murder!
By Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager
www.hpiparanormal.netOn October 9, 2010, Saturday. HPI Psychics will meet at Paul Dale Roberts home in Elk Grove at 2pm.
This is the first time that HPI will utilize their arsenal of psychics to solve an unsolved murder.
When the psychics arrive to Paul's home. Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager and Shannon McCabe, HPI Owner will take them to the location of the murder scene.
Each psychic will have the opportunity to gather information at the crime scene and give their impressions to Paul and Shannon. None of the psychics will be allowed to communicate with each other on the psychic impressions that they receive.
Our main goal is to identify the assailant or assailants in this murder.
No information will be provided to the psychics. After all the information is gathered, Paul and Shannon will determine the psychics that are on the mark.
Paul and Shannon will then place the psychics that are on the right target in a team that will work together to pick up the necessary pieces to finally solve this unsolved murder.
Non-psychic HPI investigators are welcome to join us, to observe. Later the non-psychic HPI investigators can see if there is any residual haunting activity at the crime scene. Case example of success with this theory is a Ohio ghost hunting group went to make shift memorial sites along highways and obtained an EVP of a car crashing and women screaming. The EVP they obtained was evidence of residual haunting at this deadly car crash site.
Psychic impressions gathered that has substance and evidence of the killer or killers, will be given to the Elk Grove Police Department.
Psychics that do not belong to HPI (Haunted and Paranormal Investigations International) may join us for this event. We want to utilize anyone that feels they have psychic abilities.
Psychics that are not on the mark, it does not mean that you are not psychic, you may of had an off day. No one flunks this event. We are here to understand the abilities of our psychics and if we can solve a murder, this would be outstanding for our community to bring the criminal or criminals to justice, once and for all.
In the future we will be going on more cases of unsolved murder crimes. It's time HPI utilizes our member's gifts for a good cause and bring closure to the grieving families.
This psychic project will be called: Operation: Closure.
Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager
aka The Demon Warrior
Shannon McCabe's HPI (Haunted and Paranormal Investigations International)
www.hpiparanormal.net HPI Halloween Vampire Ball, info found below:
http://www.shannonmccabe.com/2010_Vampire_Ball.html Darkview Videos of HPI Investigations, seen at the link below:
http://darkviewparanormal.phanfare.com/4757310_5318592#imageID=107407138http://www.chatterbrew.com/ Chatterbrew!
pauld5606@comcast.net Cellular Paranormal Hotline: 916 203 7503
If you have a possible investigation call: 1-888-709-4HPI