ORB CITYBy Paul Dale Roberts aka The Demon Warrior
Halo Paranormal Investigations
www.cryptic916.com/Sacramento Paranormal Help
jazmaonline@gmail.comSacramento Paranormal Haunted Hotline: 916 203 7503
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www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mngBPJk2I4&feature=youtu.bewww.youtube.com/watch?v=ylmizTcnKkYwww.youtube.com/watch?v=_cJ76iSrkdo&feature=youtu.bewww.youtube.com/watch?v=yFW1MA1AbA0&feature=youtu.bewww.youtube.com/watch?v=S7vAqoFvoIQ&feature=youtu.bewww.youtube.com/watch?v=RmUQ-H0JSe0&feature=youtu.bewww.youtube.com/watch?v=s84zHf7Fr9o&feature=youtu.beINITIAL REPORT:
Date to be there: November 23, 2019 Saturday - Time to be there: 6pm - Address to be at: Carmichael, CA
/ Activity: Home and backyard is inundated with orb activity. Orbs of different colors, one orb looks like it's on fire. Contact Person: Yvonne. Yvonne feels her house is haunted, wants investigation and cleansing.
Deanna Jaxine Stinson - HPI Co-Owner - Psychic Medium; Paul Dale Roberts - HPI Co-Owner; Audra Straling; Mike Ouilhon; Richard "Ox" Oxenrider; Angela Maria Chessnut.
Occupant: Yvonne Baker - Special Note: Yvonne is joining HPI as a new paranormal investigator.
We conducted two investigations with a debriefing after each investigation. Watch the videos to see what everyone experienced. There were "blizzard orbs". Blizzard Orbs are a multitude of orbs that show up on film. Yes, most of the orbs can be dust, but we found some orbs that seem like they had intelligent movement. We had "designer orbs" - orbs with intricate designs inside of them. When you enlarge a designer orb, sometimes you can make out a face in the orb. Audra took a photo and captured a designer orb and inside the orb is a little boy's face. Mike Ouilhon's Spirit Box said some intelligent responses and said "Paul" 3 times and "Maria" one time. We captured a Class A EVP in the backyard. Deanna asks how old are you? The EVP of a man says "40". Deanna, Angela and Audra picked up possible portals in the front yard and possibly the back yard. The ladies of HPI picked up on Indian energy. Mike captured some heavy spikes on his EMF Reader. Ox did some videos that showed orbs that seem to have intelligent movement. Some witnessed shadow movements in the home. A shadow cat was seen. I was in the bedroom and felt a finger rubbing my finger, which caused a tingly sensation.
Deanna and Audra conducted a metaphysical cleansing and I conducted a Roman Catholic house blessing. Yvonne felt comfortable after the house blessing. After we left, she said they came back. I will give Yvonne further instructions on how to self bless her own home and suggested a full submersion baptism if she felt like she had an attachment. Deanna felt like she may have an attachment. Yvonne was not prepared for a baptism tonight and will think about getting a baptism at a future date.