Let's see, well, I am retired if that helps, and it does for research purposes.
I was a computer analyst for about 15 years with the State of California (Caltrans) and learned not to hate computers, but to use them wisely. I spent my 35 years there at the State before retiring.
I am also a Ballroom/Swing dancer and have done that for the past umpteen years and have competed in many a contest during that time as well as made many friends all over the USA. I try to maintain a dance webpage at:
www.softcom.net/users/bcdancer/ As far as the paranormal is concerned, I seem to want more and more since going to ``The Brookdale Lodge`` with some of my HPI friends in December of 2006. I have little background in this field, but have been adamant in learning as much as possible in the shortest time possible.
I am also learning to be a little more skeptical at investigations and not come to the wrong conclusions or present evidence before its been documented and corroborated by another investigator. I am very open to all possibilities, though, and love working with technological equipment.
I also belong to the Stockton Paranormal Investigators group, a local Photographers group in Elk Grove, CA., the A.A.E.V.P. Association which promotes investigation of video as well as audio EVPs, and I am currently taking a Certified EVP technician class at Flamel College.