Hello. I have experiences to share with you. My aunt passed away this February and it has been a big loss to everyone in my family. For some reason she has been haunting me. Well, my aunt was a fashionista and loved makeup and nail polish.
I keep all my nail polish including some she gave me all together on my nightstand next to my bed. I would always hear clanking around there and my nail polish would go missing. Nobody in my family ever took any without my asking so I figured it was just my aunt. She never presented herself; I would just get cold sweats here and there and nothing out of the usual.
One night, I lay wide awake in my bed and I found myself staring at the wall, like deeply entranced in it. After a few moments, I could see a little light on the wall. It looked as if someone had a projector across the room and was playing a movie on my wall. All I could see was a blurry image of my aunt. I could hear her voice saying something but I couldn’t understand what. I eventually fell asleep and had a dream that she was trying to tell me goodbye. Never again have I heard from her however just a few moments ago before I started typing this, I felt a presence next to me and could see black out of the corner of my eye. Not sure who it was… maybe my aunt saying hello?