This happened about a year ago. I've lived in the same house for 13 years and my son and I knew there was a presence there because we could feel it. We called it Pierpont. Well anyway a year ago I was ordering food from a company that supplies food for 6 months at a time. The represntative came in and we were figuring the order when suddenly his calculator begain to add on it's own.
The man said what is going on and I said oh it's the house. Once I said that it stopped. Then about 20 minutes later when we were finishing up it begain to do it again and he looked at me and I told him to tell Pierpont to stop it. He did and it stopped. Well it turns out that in 1965 there was a German lady who lived in the house and she killed herself. We were told from 1965 to 1967 they had 11 different families live in the house and all moved out rather suddenly.
I would here whispers late at night, you couldn't understand what they were saying but one was female and one was male. If you walked into the living room it would stop. I told my boyfriend about the voices and he said well the lady is Mable and we're guessing the male is Pierpont. Things will still disappear and show up some where else but the whispering stopped right after we got our little puppy. The animals will sit up or stair at place that as far as we can see no one is there. They don't seem to bother us and I feel very safe.